Author: Sam Bowen
Access for all at The Lightbox
By Emily Watkins – Learning & Engagement Officer, The Lightbox The Lightbox is an award-winning charitable arts and heritage organisation...
SEND provision at Wordsworth Grasmere
By Rachel Brodie There is a definite need for heritage organisations to address issues of exclusion, with findings from a...
Sensory packs at NHM Tring
By Joanna Durant, Natural History Museum Tring Over the past few months we have been developing our sensory packs...
ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) in Museums
Careers for all ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) By Carl Newbould, Leeds City Museums and Galleries As part of the...
Becoming a welcoming Museum for all
By Gemma and Emma from London Museum of Water and Steam Helpful, inclusive, engaging, fun and collaborative. Our values...
British Sign Language (BSL) Interpretation at Hull Museums
By Esther Hallberg Esther Hallberg is the Access and Inclusion Manager at Hull Museums. Hull Museums is also part...
Working with not for: A quick guide to consulting with families
Sarah Shaw Director of Museum Tales LTD As a museum consultant specialising in family engagement, I’ve been thrilled...
Why do we need to #FlipTheNarrative?
By Elly Chapple There’s never been a more relevant time and space to change the way we talk about...
The power of partnership
Since late 2016 Oxford University’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) have been developing a partnership with the Iffley Academy, Oxford....
The no ‘end result’ rule
By Sam Bowen This is a picture of my daughter Lucy playing an African drum on a visit to...